
Negotiating with exporter

Achieving the best commercial condition and still getting a deadline that meets your goals is complex, but it doesn't have to be a nightmare. In today's article we list 7 essential points for you to be completely prepared to negotiate with the exporter.

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How to identify a potential market

Realizing how to identify real opportunities is something that can be developed and improved as your business grows. But this development is mostly unique, and it is tied to many years of attempts and mistakes. Today, with the expertise of thousands of negotiations initiated and concluded on our platform, we present you the main points to be raised into consideration for increasingly promising and, most of all, lasting results.

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International Trade Negotiation Tips

The success of the negotiations transforms barriers into bridges and effectively shorten Brazil's paths abroad. There is no booklet with the rules of success, but there are undoubtedly ways to prepare for better performance, with objectivity and a professional attitude.

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Aligning your business with your target audience

A target audience is the market segment that your business wants to reach, that is, a group of consumers with similarities to each other and who can share interests. Do you know your target audience?

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What are Incoterms and their importance

Incoterms or international trade terms are contractual clauses applied in international purchase and sale transactions.

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What is the best shipping method?

Understand the difference between the two modes of freight that are most used today among large and small companies, and which points to consider for your choice. For some exporters and importers, freight is a big issue that leads to many doubts and uncertainties. The wrong choice of shipping mode can mean losing money and gaining a tremendous headache. We will explain more about the two types of freight: FOB and CIF, showing their nuances, advantages, and disadvantages, in order to help you choose the best option.

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